Molecular Partners AG (SIX: MOLN; NASDAQ: MOLN), a clinical-stage biotech company developing a new class of custom-built protein drugs known as DARPin therapeutics, today announced that members of its team will participate in the European Hematology Association (EHA) Conference as well as other conferences in June. In addition, Novartis, the global license owner of ensovibep, will present preclinical data from the anti-SARS-CoV-2 program.
Conferences Details:
- Poster; European Hematology Association (EHA) Conference
- Title: MP0533, a New Multispecific DARPin CD3 Engager Targeting Three Tumor Associated Antigens, Induces Specific T-cell Activation and AML Tumor Killing in vivo
- June 9-12, Vienna
- Poster (Novartis); American Society for Microbiology (ASM Microbe)
- Title: SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Multi-variant Neutralization Activity of Ensovibep: A DARPin Therapeutic Candidate For Treatment Of Covid-19
- June 9-13, Washington, DC
- Poster; Dissecting Evolution and Heterogeneity of Single Cancer Cells
- Title: Characterization of Tumor Infiltrating Dendritic Cells at the Single Cell Level
- June 12-17, Easton, MA
Additional recent presentations:
- Talks; Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Europe
- Title: Ensovibep, a SARS-CoV-2 Multi-Variant Neutralizing DARPin Therapeutic
- Title: A Triple-targeting DARPin T-cell Engager Approach to Improve Safety and Efficacy for the Treatment of AML
- June 7-9, 2022, Amsterdam
Presentations will be made available as available, through the Molecular Partners website

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