UL Solutions, a global leader in applied safety science, today announced an addition to its restricted substance and chemical data management software that helps clients to quickly identify perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in product and product portfolio data. This new capability helps manufacturers and suppliers to navigate critical business decisions and manage compliance with PFAS regulations throughout the supply chain. A large group of synthetic chemicals, PFAS are used to make coatings and products...

QUODD, a comprehensive market data on demand provider for the global financial services industry and a NewSpring Holdings platform company, is pleased to announce the addition of Gryphon Fund Group to its growing list of Universe+ clients. QUODD’s Universe+ is an API-based cloud platform that delivers comprehensive security pricing, reference data, and analytics across all asset classes, integrating mutual fund, equities, and fixed income pricing data. It is a fit for purpose middle to back...

To support India’s growing digital economy, which is expected to reach $1 trillion by 20261, Equinix, Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX), the world’s digital infrastructure company ®, today announced an investment of $42 million for its fourth International Business Exchange® (IBX®) data center in Mumbai, called MB4. The new facility will allow local and overseas businesses to expand their digital capability as a foundation to accelerate digital transformation in India. According to JLL, a leading global commercial real estate and investment management company, the Indian data center industry reached...

Clarivate Plc (NYSE: CLVT), a global leader in connecting people and organizations to intelligence they can trust to transform their world, today announced the release of German hospital prescribing insights within Clarivate Patient Data Intelligence (CPDI). The introduction of the new aggregated, anonymised data product will allow for increased understanding of treatments prescribed and administered in German hospitals, providing clarity on market trends, patient characteristics, and specialty prescribing habits across brands and diseases. CPDI is the first supplier of...

BackupVault, a leading UK-based cloud backup and data protection provider, is excited to announce its partnership with AvePoint, the largest independent software vendor of SaaS solutions for data management and protection for Microsoft 365. This partnership signifies an expansion of BackupVault’s already robust cloud backup offerings. While BackupVault has been providing backup solutions for Microsoft 365 alongside other existing vendors, the collaboration with AvePoint brings additional features and capabilities to the table. With this strategic...

Leading South Korean blockchain gaming company Wemade has announced that its WEMIX foundation has officially joined the Mythos Foundation as a Subcommittee member. Mythical Games, a US-based Web3 game studio, is the initial supporter of the Mythos Foundation and Mythos and Mythos DAO, whose aim is to advance and standardize Web3 gaming. Mythos Foundation currently has more than 20 governance partners, all of which are Web3 and game companies including WEMIX. In Mythos ecosystem, there exist...

VIMworld, the leading blockchain-based digital asset platform, announced the vibrance and success of its NFT marketplace over the past month. With an active community, VIMworld has witnessed an impressive number of sales, demonstrating the growing popularity and value of the platform despite the downturn in the market. During the past month, the VIMworld marketplace recorded 74 VIMs sold, generating over 37 million VEED and 55 BNB in transactions. These sales showcase the high engagement and...

Nasuni Corporation, a leading provider of file data services, today announced increased demand for the Nasuni File Data Platform from the global AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) industry. Nasuni is enabling its AEC customers to speed up their digital transformation by modernizing their file storage and protection infrastructure; this ultimately makes data more accessible from the cloud, while providing more effective data protection and unparalleled ransomware recovery capabilities. Since 2021, Nasuni has grown its AEC customer base...

Nine out of ten apps collect personal data from users without their consent, a clear violation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive. This is the result of an analysis of 250 apps in the EU apps market, conducted by privacy tech company Usercentrics. Usercentrics analyzed 50 apps from each of the following five categories: food, lifestyle, fitness and health, finance, and gambling. Bringing up the rear: gambling apps. 100% of...

36Kr Holdings Inc. (“36Kr” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: KRKR), a prominent brand and pioneering platform dedicated to serving New Economy participants in China, today announced it has entered into a strategic cooperation with FutureCar, a leading North American media platform focusing on the automotive industry, particularly the New Energy Vehicle (NEV) sector. Through authorized content sharing and mutual commercialization support, the cooperation with FutureCar will enable 36Kr to expand its business presence in the North American market...