Barchart, a leading technology partner trusted by over 500 agribusinesses representing over 4,000 grain facilities, has announced a partnership with StoneX, a diversified global brokerage and financial services firm, to improve the efficiency of grain merchandiser workflows and help drive their commodity business forward.
This partnership will enable mutual agribusiness clients of Barchart and StoneX to read grain accounting data within StoneX’s web-based merchandising system, StoneHedge. Additionally, joint clients will benefit from automated hedging and contract creation into grain accounting systems for offers and contracts.
This workflow automation – from offer creation, to hedge, through to contract creation – will drive efficiencies, reduce risk, and increase choice for clients across Barchart’s private and secure grain elevator network.
“Barchart is proud to partner with StoneX, a respected industry leader, through the integration of our best-in-class grain accounting APIs into their hedging and risk management services,” says Barchart CEO Mark Haraburda. “Together, Barchart and StoneX will help power the workflows of grain merchandisers across the world, and we look forward to building this relationship further.”
“This partnership will only multiply the value StoneHedge provides customers. Integrating StoneHedge, our best-in-class grain merchandising and hedging platform with Barchart’s grain accounting APIs streamlines administrative tasks allowing them to focus on their core business,” says Dave Smoldt, President of the StoneX Financial Inc’s Commodities Division.
With numerous grain accounting integrations with ERP providers, branded Marketplace apps, and the leading commodity analytics platform – cmdtyView Pro – Barchart provides the most comprehensive suite of digital tools for agribusinesses to make better decisions, improve workflows and support growth. To learn more about these solutions or to join our network of agribusiness clients and service providers, please visit our website.