CloudASC wins one of South Africa’s Biggest Banks for Compliance Recording

ASC Technologies AG convinces one of the biggest banks in South Africa with its compliance recording solution for Microsoft Teams. Starting in Q3/2021, the financial institution, which provides banking and financial services to individuals, corporations, and public institutions in Africa as well as abroad, will use ASC’s recording solution to support its Microsoft Teams roll-out. As a leading global provider of software and cloud solutions for omni-channel recording, quality management, and analytics, ASC succeeds over its competitors with an attractive overall package. A key driver for this success is the fact that ASC’s Recording Insights is a 100 percent SaaS solution and thus completely fulfills the customer’s requirements.

Constant technological innovation and transformation in the world of communication also affect the financial industry. Stakeholder’s expectations are changing radically and rapidly. To meet the new challenges, a leading South African bank now relies on ASC for compliance. It was not only the technical concept and the flexible and scalable cloud solution which convinced the customer. The fast and efficient onboarding process as well as the native integration of Recording Insights into Microsoft Teams also ranked high in the customer’s evaluation.

Following a short pilot phase, all Recording Insights functions will be deployed in the customer’s communications environment starting Q3/2021 onwards. Already by the end of this year, the number of users will be in the mid-four-digit range and is expected to double by the end of 2022.

“We are pleased to announce that we have signed one of the world’s largest banks for Recording Insights for Microsoft Teams. With our continuous enhancements for compliance, we have a rapidly growing customer base across all industries. This shows the importance of choosing the right tools and the right partner in the compliance environment once again,” explains Rainer Stenger, Director Sales International at ASC Technologies AG.


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