AnalyticsRoyal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (RWT) and Babylon bring digital-first, value-based healthcare to over 55,000 people across Wolverhampton

Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (RWT) and Babylon today announced they have extended their partnership to bring Babylon’s value-based care service – Babylon 360 – to c.55,000 people across Wolverhampton. This collaboration builds on the existing partnership between  RWT and Babylon, with the aim of introducing an integrated and accessible digital-first healthcare experience for Wolverhampton residents.

Working closely with RWT on the rollout, Babylon will introduce Babylon 360 to the population covered by the RWT’s own Primary Care Network (PCN) to empower people to stay healthy using Babylon’s digital health tools, as well as care for them when they are sick. Babylon currently provides its digital-first, B360 services to members of health plans in New YorkCalifornia and Missouri.

Babylon’s B360 allows healthcare to be easily accessed by patients, while the advanced technology frees up medical professionals to focus on proactively predicting and managing patients to make healthcare more affordable for the NHS.  A recent peer-reviewed paper published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, found that members of Babylon’s highly accessible NHS primary care service, Babylon GP at Hand, incurred between 15-35% lower acute hospital costs than the regional average.

RWT is a highly innovative, vertically-integrated organisation, with nine GP practices, three hospitals and over twenty community healthcare sites across Wolverhampton and Staffordshire.

Since the start of the pandemic, Babylon and RWT have worked together to extend their relationship, exploring routes to increase adoption of digital health tools and services. After 18 months, we have combined all of our learnings in order to build a more patient-centric, digital-first model for the people of Wolverhampton. Delivering improved health outcomes for patients and reducing costs, plus bringing value to RWT and patients alike.

Trust Chief Executive Professor David Loughton CBE, said: “The partnership with Babylon is an exciting one for us as a Trust. The NHS has learned so much about the benefit of using digital platforms during the Covid-19 pandemic and we are excited to continue to develop this, in partnership with Babylon. This technology will enhance patient choice and give them greater control over their own health and wellbeing, supporting them to have their GP appointments at a time and location suitable for them.”

Dr. Umang Patel, Managing Director Value Based Care (UK), Babylon said: “The experience of the pandemic has made the case for integrated care even stronger and has redoubled the government’s determination to prioritise public health, focusing specifically on preventive healthcare. Joining up with the government agenda, we look to continue rolling out similar services like our value-based care model, Babylon 360, which aims to create a holistic, easily accessible and affordable healthcare option that promotes prevention over the cure.”

Dr. Ali Parsa, CEO, Babylon, said: “We believe it is possible to put an accessible and affordable health service in the hands of every person on Earth. Yet we are a long way away from that. There is a lot that needs to be learnt and this partnership with RWT is another step in allowing us to learn together how we can co-create a better model of care for all. We are honoured to have the opportunity to work with David and his brilliant team in RWT,  to deepen our joint services and extend it to a significant proportion of the population of Wolverhampton.”

During the first phase of the rollout, the Babylon and RWT partnership will introduce new digital-first services to patients of RWT’s nine GP practices. Through the Babylon app, those patients will be able to access their current GP practice book video appointments with their regular RWT GP. They will also have access to Babylon’s digital health tools, such as its symptom checker.


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