The Annual General Meeting 2022 of RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) was held only through postal voting in accordance with temporary legislation. The following resolutions were adopted.
It was resolved to re-elect Carl Filip Bergendal, Johan Löf, Britta Wallgren, Hans Wigzell, Lars Wollung and Johanna Öberg as Board members of the company and to re-elect Lars Wollung as chairman of the Board.
The Annual General Meeting adopted the balance sheets and income statements and discharged the members of the Board and the CEO from liability. It was resolved that the accumulated profit, amounting to SEK 139,190,000 be brought forward and balanced in the new accounts.
It was resolved that remuneration to Board members who do not receive a salary from any Group company, shall amount to SEK 840,000 to the chairman of the board and SEK 300,000 to each of the other Board members elected by the general meeting and that SEK 100,000 shall be paid to each of the members of the audit committee.
It was resolved that the auditor’s fees be paid in accordance with approved invoicing and to re-elect the auditing firm Ernst & Young as auditor.
The Annual General Meeting also approved the Board’s remuneration report for 2021.