AnalyticsGRSi Announces Record Mid-Year Results, Earning $480M in Awards Year to Date With 100% Win Rates in All Civilian and Large Business Pursuits

GRSi, a technology innovations and professional services company supporting Government and Commercial clients, announced that it has been awarded over $480M in contracts so far in 2021, achieving record results for its 7th straight year. GRSi has more than doubled its size every 3 years and continues its record momentum in 2021. As impressive as the nearly half-billion-dollar figure is, the details are even more so: a 100% win rate on large business pursuits, which also make up 50% of the award dollars; a 100% win rate on Civilian pursuits and 83% on defense; and over $300M being single award contracts to GRSi (not multi-award or shared ceiling).

“GRSi has been positioning for the unrestricted, large business competitive tier strategically, focusing on the most forward-leaning technical solutions in our industry, the most challenging and complex client missions, and next-generation technology insertion and support. Our record-setting awards and win rates are demonstrable of our technical prowess, and more importantly, our performance. Our continuous investment in our technical capabilities, training, technology sandboxes, and engineering teams, while always focusing on optimal delivery, have combined to deliver truly remarkable and sustainable results for GRSi and our clients. We’ve only closed the first half of the year and not only achieved another record year for 2021, but already set for record results in 2022. With the rest of the year ahead of us and our momentum building, the future is bright for all at GRSi.”  — David Affeldt, President & CEO

GRSi, named Government Contracting Company of the Year for 2021, is a true leading-edge global competitor in some of the most forward-leaning tech areas across highly dynamic markets, and prominent in the Health IT, Defense, and Intelligence sectors. The company’s proven areas of expertise include but are not limited to Hybrid and Poly-Cloud Enablement, Digital Transformation, Enterprise Operations (XaaS), Cybersecurity and continuous ATO, Big Data Storage and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, and Scientific Computing.

GRSi has delivered excellence in professional and technical services for nearly two decades to federal, defense, intelligence, and commercial clients worldwide. Our subject matter experts, refined processes, and best-fit technology implementations ensure that excellence is delivered daily. For more information, contact


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