AnalyticsDMALINK® adds Traiana’s NetLink trade aggregation service to its platforms

DMALINK, the emerging markets focused foreign exchange institutional ECN clears a further important milestone following recent growth.

The firm today announced that Traiana’s NetLink will be used to aggregate trades on its New York and London platforms available to all qualifying participants via its prime broker, NatWest Markets.

The addition of NetLink enables DMALINK clients to increase operational efficiency by aggregating trades, which provides credit efficiencies through netting. The additional cost saving will allow DMALINK users to enjoy a broader spectrum of trade sizes and enable new counterparty types to join the DMALINK ecosystem.

Manu Choudhary, CEO of DMALINK, said: “We’re pleased to be enabling the NetLink aggregation service and opening up the DMALINK platform to market participants transacting any ticket sizes. We are now able to fully service high volumes of any trade size in a cost-efficient way. NetLink enables us to add more neutral flow to our FX ecosystem, which benefits the buy and sell side. Today, marks another great milestone for us in our plans to facilitate execution across a broader demographic of clients.”

Nick Clark of NatWest Markets added: “The integration of NetLink to the DMALINK platform is a great move at a time when there is increased demand for a wider range of clip sizes, whilst simultaneously optimising settlement processes and reducing settlement risk.”

Michael Idzkowski, Head of EMEA Sales points out: “We are often approached by SMEs and Tier 2 participants seeking cost-effective and sustainable execution solutions, especially in emerging markets. With NetLink’s STP post aggregation service, we can help those counterparties, including regional banks, to reduce ticket volume and achieve operational efficiencies.”

Jo Davies, Global Head of Traiana, concluded: “DMALINK is now able to fully service a wide spectrum of clients via one automated real-time connection, permitting liquidity providers and prime brokers to have immediate access to all counterparties in the DMALINK ecosystem using our ticket aggregation service.”


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