Co-Diagnostics, Inc. (Nasdaq: CODX) (the “Company” or “Co-Dx,”), a molecular diagnostics company with a unique, patented platform for the development of molecular diagnostic tests, announced today that it will be hosting a booth at the 22nd MEDEXPO Africa 2022, held June 9-11 in Nairobi, Kenya.
The largest international medical trade exhibition in the country features exhibitors from over 30 countries, all profiling innovative solutions from leaders in the medical technology industry, and targeted toward buyers from across the continent seeking new products, equipment, machinery, services and solutions. The conference represents the Company’s first trade show in Africa, and is expected to build on an initiative that began nearly a year ago to introduce Co-Dx products across the continent, including its suite of tests for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. The Company recently announced that it had completed the principal design work of a PCR test for the monkeypox virus currently exhibiting a multi-country outbreak.
Attendees interested in learning more about the Company and its products are invited to visit Booth #124 at the Sarit Expo Centre.