NetworkingTNS-Plus and VOX Carrier partner to enhance the protection and monetisation of Kyrgyzstan’s A2P voice (Flash Call) and SMS network

TNS-Plus, a leading telecom operator in Kazakhstan, major provider in Kyrgyzstan and part of the Veon group of companies, has agreed to help Beeline Kyrgyzstan combat Application to Person (A2P) voice (Flash Call) and messaging fraudulent routing and illicit bypass attempts, using VOX Carrier’s VOX360 anti-fraud platform.

The VOX360 platform is the most comprehensive A2P protection solution available on the market, enabling mobile operators to detect and block spam and fraudulent traffic before they impact end users, thus optimizing the monetization of their networks. VOX360 is also the only platform in the industry which can mitigate Flash calls as part of its full suite of A2P Voice and SMS anti-fraud solution, which means that potentially, Beeline Kyrgyzstan will not be only protected from messaging bypass, but also from voice and Flash calls fraudulent activities.

Thanks to the collaboration between TNS-Plus and VOX Carrier, Beeline’s Kyrgyzstan voice and SMS network will be protected around the clock by sophisticated data analytics, business intelligence, as well as advanced AI-powered fraud protection tools, ensuring it mitigates and prevents costly fraudulent activities in real-time. The use of grey routes are a growing problem for operators, as a recent study conducted by VOX Carrier has found that most of the messaging traffic use grey routes to terminate into Kyrgyzstan.

Banking, travel, transportation, healthcare and other verticals are increasingly using A2P messages to send notice, authentication and confirmations to their customers. For these companies, high quality messaging termination is therefore a must. The growth of A2P traffic represents a lucrative opportunities for mobile operators such as Beeline, so focusing on protecting their networks from fraudulent attempts of all sorts to guarantee a reliable, high quality and secure delivery of A2P services is now a priority.

“Fraud is becoming a rapidly growing challenge for mobile operators, wanting to expand their solutions to enterprises, for which security is a priority’ says Sabi Omirserikov, Chief Operating Officer at TNS-Plus. ‘We therefore strongly believe that any operator serious about offering high quality A2P services must put fraud prevention at the core of its strategy. Solutions such as the one provided by the VOX360 platform is a crucial part of making this a reality.”

“We are very excited to be partnering with yet another leading communication service provider to play our part in the fight against A2P fraud. VOX Carrier has always been passionate about fostering quality and security,” says Ehsan Ahmadi, CEO of VOX Carrier. “Ultimately, we are here to help operators, such as Beeline, optimize the monetization of their assets and ensure long term growth and innovation.”


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