In the world of business operations, there’s no greater asset to the status quo than CTI. CTI stands for Cyber Threat Intelligence and it’s the backbone of protecting your data and consequently, your business. Combating threats is a complex and detailed subject and the solutions all point to having a successful game plan in place to thwart off these threats. How important is CTI? Most Organizations plan to increase CTI spending in the next couple of years. There are three main tenements of a successful CTI plan and we’ll outline these below.

Strategic CTI deals with gathering information about the cyber risks associated with geopolitical events. This is a long-term plan and should always be implemented as cyber risks are always on the forefront. Operational CTI deals with understanding and profiling the threat actors. Why are these risks happening? What is the actor’s aim in disruption? To know the motive puts you ahead of the game.

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