The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) have signed a partnership agreement with Fincons Group and Cervello to obtain services to secure SBB’s Railway command & control systems across Switzerland. The deployment of Cervello’s solution by SBB is aligned with SBBs’ vision and strategy to ensure reliable and safe transportation for its passengers on a daily basis. Fincons Group will support Cervello as system integrator and provide SBB with local technical support as part of the agreement.
SBB thus becomes one of the first railways worldwide to adopt a full-scale, cross-country cybersecurity protection plan for their entire railway command and controls network. “Following the recent string of ever-evolving cyber threats worldwide, we see cybersecurity as an essential part of our commitment to the safety of our passengers,” says Rama Marcus, Head of SBB’s Technology Innovation Outpost Israel. “We are very pleased to have the opportunity to benefit from Cervello expertise. We consider the Cervello Platform to be an effective, comprehensive and advanced railway cybersecurity solution available today.”
Based in Tel-Aviv, Israel, Cervello has already earned the trust of some leading infrastructure managers and rail operators throughout several countries in Europe and Asia for its ability to protect mission-critical operational systems of both mainlines and metros. Its flagship product, the Cervello Platform, seamlessly integrates into any railway infrastructure, providing complete and effective monitoring of the entire fleet’s operational network, including signaling, telecommunications, rolling stocks, and other control systems. Its patented technology allows early identification of potential or existing cyber threats posing a risk to the safety, reliability, and continuity of the fleet’s operation.
“We are grateful and pleased to enter into this long-term strategic agreement with SBB, one of the world’s leading railways and a true technology leader,” said Roie Onn, Cervello’s CEO and Co-founder. “With advancements in technology and the rise of cyber threats, major rail operators and infrastructure managers consider cybersecurity as an essential component to ensuring the safety of their passengers and fleets. It is an honor to be chosen and trusted with such an important role by the world’s most prestigious railway companies.”
“Fincons thus confirms its commitment to deliver clients value throughout their digital transformation journey in the safety field,” explains Michele Moretti, CEO at Fincons Group. “The partnership with Cervello cements Fincons as a reliable integration partner for Cervello solutions in railway infrastructure to help protect the operational sensitivities of rail’s mission-critical assets such as signaling and control systems. We are very proud of this partnership that will see us working together on demanding and challenging new projects in unchartered waters while offering a 360°service.”