Customer ExperienceBearingPoint Client Success Story: RGF Staffing Blends Technology and Customer Experience to Create Staffing Solutions That Are Faster and Simpler

As a global staffing leader, RGF Staffing focuses on simplifying the hiring process and making businesses more productive. To prepare and adapt to the future of work and the transition to the next-generation workforce, RGF started a strategic program called CDX – Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, and Data.

In its recent client story, BearingPoint shows how it supported RGF Staffing in achieving a clear and comprehensive picture of its current state in all key areas that became the foundation for data-driven, customer-centric operations.

Leading the global staffing industry by focusing on the customer experience and digitalization

Together with BearingPoint, RGF Staffing launched the CDX readiness check with and for its operating companies (OpCos). BearingPoint engaged RGF OpCos in a series of webinars and podcasts to increase their awareness of the program’s benefits. The readiness of the key components – Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, and Data – was then mapped, resulting in a maturity framework. BearingPoint assessed the OpCos capabilities against the framework and created recommendations to improve customer experiences with data-driven insights and innovation.

There were several global online workshops with all RGF’s OpCos to jointly find and collect ideas to create solutions for digital journeys. The team built a benefit logic tool showing the rationale of future investments and linking these to the value drivers of the RGF business model. Various use cases were defined and prioritized, such as creating a digital candidate portal, automating data processing, and AI-based job matching. Throughout the CDX readiness phase, BearingPoint helped RGF Staffing and its OpCos easily navigate the required changes.

“It was a perfect fit for us because we’re a people-centric consultancy, and RGF Staffing needed people-centric digital solutions. We find the right solutions by working with the people that need them and will use them. And now RGF Staffing has digital solutions for the workforce that is coming. It’s a great feeling being part of the future,” said Jaco van Zijll Langhout, Partner at BearingPoint.

Building a digital and sustainable future of work

RGF Staffing now has more transparency and can address OpCos’ needs individually, prioritize suitable initiatives and take coordinated action to meet strategic goals. By using consistent data and concrete key performance indicators, RGF Staffing operating companies can personalize and improve customer journeys concertedly and efficiently. Through road mapping and benefit logic frameworks, the OpCos have identified which paths to follow to turn RGF Staffing into a tech- and data-driven company while keeping its people-oriented business approaches a priority.

“BearingPoint was very instrumental in helping us bring structure, a framework, and clarity. We could then brand it and bring that activity we wanted to do around the three pillars of CDX to a program that we could roll out to all of our OpCos,” said Mike Whitmer, CIO at RGF Staffing B.V.

The full client story and video are available on the BearingPoint website:

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