Riiid, a leading AI education company and a member of Born2Global Centre, will exclusively lead the AI in Education (AIEd) ecosystem track at High Touch High Tech (HTHT) 2021 Conference. The conference, co-hosted by Riiid, Education Commission Asia, and TV Chosun, will focus on leveraging AIEd to narrow the achievement gap in education. It will include 150 speakers and panelists from ten nations. Riiid’s virtual all-day sessions will take place on June 30 and will be available for the public online. To watch, please visit youtube.com/tvchosun.
Riiid’s track, titled, ‘Building a New Ecosystem for AIEd,’ will feature eight talks designed to address the most prominent issues across the entire AIEd pipeline. One of the first sessions will consider prominent research topics and recent trends in AI for Education, especially transforming assessment methods from summative to formative as precipitated by COVID-19. Other topics will include translating research ideas into concrete products as well as a discussion on the future of educational assessments using AI. Industry experts are exploring how AI technologies can improve the assessment systems, making them more effective while still being fair and valid. As ethics in AI are becoming a more important subject, one of the sessions will also explore equity, ethics, and human-centered design principles in the use of AI in learning.
“As an industry pioneer in bringing equity in learning, Riiid is fully committed to defining and growing the AIEd ecosystem further and establishing a firmer foundation of AI for education,” said YJ Jang, founder and CEO of Riiid. “Riiid will lead this movement and I am very grateful to showcase our mission by hosting one of four tracks at the world’s largest AIEd conference.”
Additional discussion will include inviting over 25 schoolteachers from Korea, US, Spain, Russia, and Brazil to hear about their experiences, expectations, and concerns around AI in Education and to get a better sense of those on the front line about innovation in education.
Expert speakers for the Riiid track include: Fengchun Miao, Chief of UNESCO’s Unit for Technology and AI in Education; Jim Larimore, Chief Officer for Equity in Learning at Riiid; Ryan Baker, Director of the Center for Learning Analytics and Big Data at the University of Pennsylvania; Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at OECD, Head of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA); Maria Spies, Co-CEO and Co-Founder of HolonIQ; and Alina von Davier, Chief Assessment Officer at Duolingo, among others.
The HTHT 2021 Conference will convene stakeholders across the EdTech ecosystem – global organizations, governments, academia, foundations, EdTech innovators, schools, parents, and students – to discuss the potential of AI in addressing the global learning crisis further exacerbated by COVID-19. The four-day conference will take place from June 29 to July 2. For more information on the conference, please visit http://htht-show.com/en/index.php.