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3 P’s of B2B Webinars


Webinar a process to reach audiences or consumers virtually has stronger roots especially in the B2B industry after the outbreak of the epidemic. Its easy access and watching capability on demand had popularized its genre to stay connected with the buyers even if the meeting is not possible in person. The B2B industries are also looking up to webinars which have become the primary ways of communicating relevant information to their clients and are acquiring quality leads as well.

The researcher revealed that 67% of webinars users have increased in B2B marketers as compared to previous data and has claimed it to outperform other channels in quality lead generation by 89% marketers. It is said that hosting webinars engage more audience that is suitable for the business generating interest in the business product or services as a marketing tactic. Therefore, making efforts to reach leads by demonstrating thought leadership in the space. There are 3 P’s that can be a game-changer for the B2B webinars that every company must mind.


3 P’s of B2B Webinars
  • P for Planning

To have a blasting webinar that catches the eyes of the audience requires lots of advance planning in the process to prepare related stuff in depth from beginning to end that may comprise guest speaker conformation, marketing activities planning used for event promotions, and presentation materials preparation.

The presentation preparation must start with deciding the topic of the webinar. The very first thing that can hook your audience with your webinar by educating them with some relevant information they would feel connected with in spite of blabbering about your product or service directly. Do not use this platform for direct promotions but address it as a platform where people can look up the solutions to their issues. The timing of the webinar hosting could be in the middle of the day as per the various time zones. Researchers say that 10 to 11 am in the morning or 1 to 2 pm in the afternoon can give maximum results from webinar hosting. Due to the heavy schedule during the first few days of the week, the weekend is considered the break so Wednesday and Thursday are some ideal days of the week to publish webinars.

  • P for Promotion

After finalizing the topic of the B2B webinar with the date and time, now it is turn to work on the promotional part of the events. To have successful webinars, B2B marketers are required to work on the pre-webinar marketing is very crucial because creating awareness about the webinar can engage more attendees for the event.

Pre-registering the potential attendees for free or by charging is important and enlightening them with the benefits of the webinar straightly plays a vital role in engagement. The steps that must be followed to register attendees start with sending a short and crisp email copy highlighting the top benefits of the webinar and differentiating the importance of the webinar from others.

Mostly webinars registrations are done a week before the streaming. Hence, a good promoting strategy for the events that can grab people’s attention is important. To make sure that people are attending the webinars is by sending reminder emails, and blocking the calendar by sharing invitation links.

  • P for Post

After streaming the B2B webinar, promoting its on-demand version as early as possible would be a good move. By doing this B2B marketers can grab the potential attendees who were not able to attend the live event. Other than this, embedding the slides or publishing them into other marketing channels such as blogs, social media, and email marketing sends.

B2B webinars are called to be a great source of generating quality leads that can bring big business to the organization, growing its database and thought leadership establishment.


The Bottom Line…

Following these 3Ps before making any B2B webinar streaming would definitely pay off the hard work and make your webinar a success story for your business. Remember, plan a B2B webinar with topics, timing dates according to the target audience and then reach out to them for promotions before going live by sending emails, reminder emails, registration forms, etc and last but not the least following up post-event will grow business event after the work is done giving more revenue to the business as well creating good brand image of the company.

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